Astrology for Brittanee Marie Drexel’s disappearance

Brittanee Marie Drexel, a 17-year-old high school junior from Rochester, NY, went to Myrtle Beach on a spring break getaway with some friends and has not been seen since 8 PM on the evening of April 25, 2009.  To date search teams have been unable to find her.

Brittanee was last seen by a group of male friends at the hotel where they were all staying.  They claimed that she left the hotel to visit a friend.  Other reports say that she argued with them over a pair of shorts.  Either way, her friends and acquaintances on this trip are highlighted in the horoscope.

First of all I don’t like the fact that the 8th house of death, signifying Brittanee, is rising in this chart.  Brittannee herself is shown by Scorpio’s ruler, Mars, which is in Aries in the 5th house.  This describes her as an active, outgoing teen who was having a good time on this vacation.  Mars is in its own sign, Aries — she was into herself, and not another person.  Unfortunately Aries is considered a “violent” sign in crime astrology so that is another concern for Brittanee’s safety.

The Mars/Venus placement in Aries is important.  It shows that the person involved in her disappearance was into her, but the feelings were not reciprocated.  Venus, ruling 7th house of the abductor, is in Brittanee’s sign in the 5th house.  He really likes her; he may have wanted to have sex with her, and was likely refused.  Brittanee’s Mars in Aries shows she is mainly into herself.  Venus is pursuing Mars in the 5th house of sex, and both meet up with a square to Pluto, a very bad indication for possible sexual assault.

There are others involved as well, shown by Sun, Moon and Mercury in the 7th house.  Possibly three others were involved or had knowledge of the crime.  These people are controlled by the main offender and are loyal to him:  they are ruled by his sign, Venus.

Saturn, traditional ruler of death, is exactly conjunct the 11th house cusp of friends and associates.  Mercury, which rules the 8th house of death as well as the 11th house of friends, is exactly conjunct the evil fixed star Caput Algol.  The literal meaning of Algol is losing one’s head, and can also indicate suffocation or strangulation.  It is unfortunately often seen in charts involving heinous crimes.

To date Brittanee has not been found but leads are being developed which point to one individual who had been hanging out with three others at Brittanee’s hotel.

If anyone would like to add comments or updates please feel free to contribute.


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Astrology of mystery killings in Texas City, TX

On the morning of Friday, September 11th, the bodies of a man and a woman were found near a park bench in a park in Texas City, TX. I cast the astrology chart for the time the bodies were found, approximately 8 AM.

The chart presents an immediate challenge. If the time were off by only four minutes, the Ascendant and house cusps would change. Usually that doesn’t pose much of a problem, but here four minutes looms large, because it might shift the Ascendant from 0 Libra to 29 Virgo or even earlier. It would change the Midheaven too. However, everything happens for a reason so I just went with the 8:00 AM given time, and it yielded a lot of valuable information about this case.

A couple of other things tripped me up while I was studying this chart, and I do make mistakes, so if any other astro-sleuth wishes to comment please feel free to add your own ideas.

Right away there is something really disturbing about this chart, and it is that the four angles all show the critical degree of zero. Zero degree of any cardinal sign — Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn — is considered critical and in this case the fact that two dead bodies turned up in a city park is, I’d say, fairly serious. Something in Texas City, Texas, went very wrong in the early morning hours of that Friday.

The Part of Fortune is at 7 degrees Capricorn in the fourth house of endings. Sorry my chart does not show Fortuna but it is just important to know that Fortuna, the outcome, is in the 4th of endings, disposited by Saturn which is in the 12th of sorrow and misfortune.

What was the couple doing there so late at night?  The couple is shown by the Ascendant ruler which is Venus, occupying 19 degrees Leo in the 11th house. I believe the couple were out having a good time and I wonder if they were trying to buy or sell drugs in the park: their ruler Venus is in fun-loving Leo in the 11th house of friends, but opposed by a nasty 5th house Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. I wonder if a drug buy or sale went bad. Venus is in its own terms at 19 Leo; they were into enjoying themselves and having their own good time.

The killer is shown by the Descendant, which is ruled by Mars in the 10th house in its fall in Cancer. Mars in Cancer shows someone who is emotionally volatile and who will react with violence.   It is in  the sign of its fall, where it is unfavorably motivated but also angular, giving it power to act badly.  Mars is also in square aspect to the rising Mercury in Libra in the Ascendant, suggesting a quarrel between the parties. Mars is in the terms of Jupiter; maybe the killer thought he was carrying out some warped act of justice.  The couple was interracial; could that have angered the killer?

The couple also had friends who turned out to be enemies:  Venus is ruled by the Sun, which is in the 12th house of hidden enemies.  The couple liked their friends (Venus receives Sun) — but Sun receives Venus in its detriment, showing the feeling was not mutual.  Some friend of the couple had a hidden agenda.  Could this have led to their murder?

Mars rules the 8th of death, meaning death by gunshot or possibly a stabbing.  Saturn rules 4th of endings, which also suggests blunt force trauma, or beating.

As it turned out, the news report stated that the victims were both shot and beaten.  There was a lot of rage expressed in these killings.  I am concluding that the killings were the result of a sudden burst of violence due to an argument.  Hopefully the news will have more information and the killer will be apprehended soon.

Event chart for discovery of the two bodies in the park

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What happened to Brendan Chobod?

Eleven year-old Brendan Chobod mysteriously disappeared from his Saginaw, Michigan home on the morning of September 11, 2009.  He was last seen by his babysitter at 11:00 AM so I cast the chart for that time.

Horoscope for time Brendan Chobod last seen

Horoscope for time Brendan Chobod last seen

When I work on horoscopes of child abductions I usually hope for the best but expect the worst.  This time I was very pleased to find that there were no aspects indicating a tragic ending for Brendan.  He is ruled by Mars in Cancer in the ninth house of a distant place.  Mars is very weak, being in its fall in Cancer, and in a cadent house.  Brendan had asthma and other debilitating health problems that could become life-threatening if he were not found quickly.   He cannot help himself.  But Mars is also in the terms of Jupiter and Venus, which are beneficial planets.  This is an encouraging sign that nothing harmful has happened to Brendan, other than wandering away or being taken from his home.

In his condition he would not have been able to run away on his own, so I looked to the seventh house to find out more about his abductor.

Also encouraging is the ruler of the seventh house, which is Venus in Leo in the tenth.  I believe the abductor had some authority over the boy, or some kind of a parental type of caregiver relationship.  Venus is in the terms of the Sun and Jupiter so I don’t sense that this person had bad intentions.  But Venus is also opposed by Jupiter and Neptune so the perpetrator had misguided and confused intentions of helping or saving Brendan from something, as Brendan was literally removed from his home (4th house).

So where did Brendan end up?  Mars being in the ninth says that he was pretty far away before being discovered.  In fact the day after his disappearance he was found in Sandusky, Ohio, with his friend Andrew Smith, who had been a neighbor of his until a recent eviction from the trailer park where they both lived.  Andrew had a big brother type of relationship with Brendan and had taken him from his home and brought him to Ohio unharmed.  Andrew was later arrested on charges not related to the taking of Brendan, and Brendan was returned home safely.  I hope that all of the rest of my missing child horoscopes will have the same happy ending.

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The Astrology of Missing Persons: Experimental Map Technique

Possible location of Stacy Peterson mapped by astrologyRegarding Stacy Peterson’s chart, I’m interested in how exactly you lay an astrology chart over a map? How did you come up with the six miles? Is there a site giving details of the experimental technique?


The site with the experimental technique went down,(see comment below) though I did link to the person who originally posted it. I did however print her examples and have a copy in a workbook I keep on forensic astrology.

Renee Francis who worked on this from an astrological perspective on missing children cases believed that:

“the date, time and location of a child’s disapperance will reveal the qualities present at the time of the abduction an offer a geographical direction of the movement for the kidnapper with the victim.”

Ms. Francis likes to use the birth chart if possible along with the event chart. However, the event chart itself can be revealing.

This astrologer, speaking anecdotally, would like to point out that while this method works for all kinds of missing person cases, different types of cases seem to use different indicators in the chart. In people missing in action, like the two hikers in Alaska, there was no indicator of a perpetrator, so I was confident that the girls were alive, which happily turned out to be the case. In the situation where a crime was involved the perpetrator of the crime is very much part of the action within the chart.

How The Method Works

If you wanted to lay a chart over a map, you could print the chart on a transparency or some thing like vellum paper. Keeping in mind that the top of the chart is south, the bottom is north, right is west and left is east, you would turn it around until North was at the top and then place it on the map.

The next step is to determine what symbols represent what.

The Perpetrator

While Renee Francis liked Mars as the perpetrator of the crime, this astrologer finds that the perpertrator may be the Sun, Mars or in the case of Annie Le, Mercury. In the case of Sandru Cantu, we find the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in a stellium chillingly in the eighth house. The moon involved indicated a woman was part of the crime. As we found out later the woman took the child to the woman’s father’s church.

What these planets seem to share in common is some energetic connection to the planet of transformation Pluto. The image conjured up is one of “the angel of death.”

The Victim

Female victims are identified more often by the planet Venus, though the moon can not be ruled out. Sometimes the planet Mercury is the significator if they are a child or a teenager.

The Body

While the significator represents the person alive, Saturn in energetic connection to the significator seems to indicate the general compass orientation of the victim’s body. It is important to remember as mentioned above that a horoscope chart is backward, so to get the proper compass orientation you need to flip the map so that the fourth house is at the top of the page.

The zodiac sign of the significator and Saturn seem to point the kind of location the victim’s body can be found. Sometimes the zodiac sign on the cusp of the house in which Saturn is located provides a similar clue.

Debra Houlding provides an excellent list of locations by zodiac signs in her descriptions of the zodiac signs.

The Number of Miles the Victim Was Transported

While it it seems to be easy enough to get a general location in which to start looking, the critical information of how many miles away from the place the victim was last seen is more elusive. After the fact, it all seems so obvious, but in the middle of an investigation there are so many possibilities that its hard to zero in any one factor.

Location of Zarzycki body mapped by astrology

Cindy Zarzycki body found 24.5 miles from her home.

In the case of Sandra Cantu, the sign on the cusp of the 9th house, inches from the fatal Moon, Sun, Venus, and Mercury stellium in aspect to Pluto was two degrees of Taurus. She was found in a field two miles away from her home. In the case of Cindy Zarzycki, a thirteen year old who was abducted by a pedophile, her body was found 24.5 miles from her home. Saturn was inconjunct Venus, an the degrees on the beginning and ending of the house that held Venus 24 & 5. If you look directly across, you’ll see Pluto in the house with 24 on the cusp and Saturn in the house marked 5.

For Stacy Peterson, Venus, representing “a woman” is sitting next to Saturn “the body” and is subject to an opposition from Uranus (sudden accident) and challenges (square) the planet of transformation sitting next to the planet of abundance (Jupiter). It is in challenge aspect to the moon in Gemini. It seemed to me at 10:45 AM we were dealing with unfortunately a dead body.

You can count the degree of Saturn, the degree of the significator, and you can either add them, not add them and/or reduce the number. Stacy Peterson could be 6 miles away, by degree on Saturn, or 5 by the degree on the house of the eighth were Saturn is or 19 miles away from Venus or 24 by adding Venus and Saturn. I’m going with the six miles considering the rather short time frames Peterson would have had to take care of the body according the event time-line of the day’s events. With Saturn is at 6 degrees, I took the degrees for miles and drew a line straight from the Peterson’s home to a mile six miles away in the direction Saturn points to Plainfield lake.

There are a number of storage units in that area. Saturn is in Virgo and Virgo is associated with storage units. I think the body was originally placed in one such unit.

As I’ve said, it is an experimental technique and it does not always work. More work is needed to refine it.

What I appreciate about using the event chart for clues is that in most cases the symbols work! It is quite possibly the most literal use of astrology with replicable results. While it is easy to get excited about such a prospect, work and time will tell if this observation proves out.

Good luck,


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True Crime Astrology: The Disappearance of Stacy Peterson

Memorial for Stacey Peterson outside her Bolingbrook, IL home

Stacey Peterson Memorial

With Drew Peterson’s lawyer losing two motions before Judge Stephen White, Drew Peterson is drawing closer to standing trial for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio.

Meanwhile, the hunt for Stacy Peterson continues through her family’s efforts since local police maintains they do not have the “time or resources to check every lead quickly.”

Though Stacy’s Peterson’s family probably held out some hope that Stacy was alive, the announcement that Drew Peterson’s third wife’s death was a homicide
dealt a blow to that hope. What does an astrological analysis show of what happened to Stacy Peterson?

The Day Stacy Disappeared

Missing Woman ‘Feared for Her Life’ Sisters Says
“She told me Friday night (October 26, 2007), ‘If anything happens to me, I fear for my life,'” said Cassandra Cales, who described her sister’s marriage as abusive and said Stacey was considering divorce.

10/27 (Saturday) – 23:30 – Cassandra leaves the house from seeing Stacy.

10/28 – 04:00 – Drew gets off work.

10/28 – 09:40 – Sharon leaves home, and sees SUV and Grand Prix in driveway.

10/28 – 10:09 – Stacy calls Bruce, says she is laying in bed.  (call lasts until 10:28) Friends, Family Recount the Day Stacy Disappeared

The last time anyone outside the Peterson home talked to her was around 10:15 a.m., when she spoke briefly with a friend, Bruce Ziderich, about helping to paint an apartment he owned in nearby Yorkville.

Ziderich told her to wait until she heard from her sister, Cassandra Cales, before going to the apartment, according to Pamela Bosco, a longtime family friend.

10/28 – 11:00 – Drew claims he got into bed with Stacy (during 10/29 2:30am phone call) Friends, Family Recount the Day Stacy Disappeared

Drew Peterson, 53, who resigned from the police department after being named a suspect in his wife’s disappearance, has told reporters that when he awoke around 11 a.m., his wife already had left.

Note: Drew Peterson gives conflicting accounts of the morning’s events. First he gets into bed with Stacy at 11:00 AM, then says at another time that he woke at 11:00 and Stacy was gone.

Neighbor: Peterson Hauled Large Barrel in the Car

“Family sources say a neighbor reported seeing Drew and an unidentified man loading the barrel into the back of his now confiscated Yukon Denali.”

10/28 – 11:55 – Sharon returns home and only sees SUV in driveway

10/28 – 11:55 – Sharon calls the house, speaks with Kris. Sharon asks for Stacy, Kris stumbles at question and gives phone to Drew. Drew says that Stacy left for her grandfathers early this morning. Sharon asks if the kids can come over and have suckers and candy.
Family, Friends Recount the Day Stacy Disappeared
About noon, Sharon Bychowski, a neighbor and friend of Stacy’s, phoned Drew and told him she’d been to the market and had some candy for the kids.

10/28 – 13:00 – Drew comes to Sharon’s with the kids.

10/28 – 13:15 – Drew leaves to run an errand.

10/28 – 13:30 – Drew returns and picks up the kids.

10/28 – 14:30 – Drew calls in sick to Bolingbrook Police Department

10/28 – 15:15 – Thomas is picked up for band practice.

10/28 – 19:15 – Thomas is dropped off from band practice.

10/28 – ??:?? – (Not Confirmed – Reported by Media) Drew picks up Tom Morphey from a nearby park and goes to a coffee shop.

10/28 – 21:04 – Phone call from Stacy’s phone to Drew (1 min)

10/28 – 21:05 – Phone call from Stacy’s phone to Drew (1 min)

10/28 – 21:07 – Phone call from Stacy’s phone to Drew (5 min)

10/28 – 22:00 – (Not Confirmed – Reported by media) Drew Peterson then dropped the relative off at his home, at which point the distraught man contacted a friend, saying words to the effect of,  I think I just helped Drew dispose of Stacy,  the source said.

Quote from ABC story

‘Drew’s stepbrother Tom Morphey, who was arrested in the mid-1980s for alleged domestic violence, told a friend and reportedly told authorities that he helped Drew carry what he thinks might have been Stacy’s dead body from the house in a blue container.

Walter Martinek, Morphey’s friend, said Morphey told him that he was suspicious.

“He goes, ‘I don’t know what to do.’ He put his hands on my shoulder and said, ‘You can’t tell anyone,'” Martinek said. “He had told me that he thinks he may have helped Drew dispose of the body.”

10/28 – 23:00 – Cassandra goes to the house, and observes no cars in driveway gives Kris fund raising money and asks him if he’s alone? He says he’s home with Tom, Lacy and Anthony and tells Cassandra, Mom & Dad got into a fight, mom left and Dad’s out looking for her.

10/28 – 23:14 – Cassandra calls Drew looking for Stacy, Drew says Stacy called me at 9:00 pm telling him that she is leaving him, going on a little vacation and left the car somewhere in Bolingbrook, and I have to go find it. Cassandra asks what he is doing, Drew says that hes been out running around looking for Stacy. Cassandra asks where Drew is at, Drew claims he is at home. (During conversation Cassandra hears shuffling, a bunch of noises, and keys going into an ignition) {Drew’s statement is obviously a lie}

10/28 – 23:26 – Call with Drew ends.

10/28 – 23:45 – Cassandra goes to Downers Grove Police, was told to go to Bolingbrook to file report

10/29 – 01:00 – Cassandra goes to Bolingbrook Police to file missing persons report

10/29 – 02:30 – (Three hours after Cassandra speaks to Drew, the second car, which was gone all day, shows up in the driveway.) Cassandra returns to house and sees both cars in the driveway. Bruce calls Drew, Drew says Stacy called him at 9pm and left the car at the whatchamacallit. Drew says let me get head straight, Stacy called at 9pm and left the car at Clow airport. (Inconsistent story)

(Clow Airport is just up the road from the Peterson’s home.)

Family, Friends Recount the Day Stacy Disappeared

At 11:26, Cales said she reached Peterson on his cell phone.

“He said, ‘Your sister left me,”‘ Cales recounted on the Web site, She recounted what he told her next: “She called me at 9 p.m. and said she was leaving me and going on a lil vacation … and she left the car somewhere in Bolingbrook.”

Bosco said Peterson told Cales even more.

“He said, ‘She took $25,000 from the safe, her bikini is missing and her passport is missing, she’s disappeared just like your mom,”‘ said Bosco, the last comment referring to Cales’ and Stacy Peterson’s mother, who vanished when Stacy was a teenager.

Cales said she didn’t believe any of it – starting with Peterson’s contention that he was home. She knew that wasn’t true, she wrote, because she had just been there and was sitting around the corner.

10/29 – 03:00 – Cassandra goes to Illinois State Police District 5 and files another missing persons report, leaves ISP at 4am.

In this long and convolted telling of the day’s events, it is apparent that Drew told conflicting stories and we are long way off from knowing the truth in the matter.

Looking At Drew Peterson

What kind of man is he? Without a birthtime, we do not have his moon position, a critical component in determining whether or not a man is violent. One reader sent by private email to this astrologer a declaration that Drew Peterson’s birth time is 8:15 PM. However, requests of this anonymous reader to send documentation of this birth time has gone unanswered, so again, thought the revised birth chart is very interesting we still have to say we do not have a definitive Moon position.

Going forward, his Sun is opposite the unpredictible sign of Uranus. This is a position which can bring on uncontrollable actions. He has his Mars in the possessive and controlling sign of Scorpio, which sits along side his Saturn. Here is a man who fears that he doesn’t measure up to being a man, fearful and suspicious of infidelities and frightened he will be left alone. With the planet of confusion and delusion sitting along side these two, it is quite possible that Peterson’s fears takes on a surreal life of their own, with his morbid fantasies appearing all to real to him.

What Does Astrology Say What Happened

On the day of Stacy’s disappearance, she was talking to a male friend, from her bed, supposedly with the sleeping Drew Peterson laying next to her. She was making plans to help him paint his apartment, but the friend suggested she wait until she heard from her sister until she came over. Perhaps this friend had a glimpse of how Peterson was with her and did not want to be in the middle of any trouble. However, once she got off the phone, the argument started. It would be inconcievable for a man with the controlling and manipulative qualities like Drew Peterson to be able to tolerate the thought that his wife was going to meet another man, even for something as innocent as helping him to paint his apartment. Afterall, he was slated to go back into work in six hours, and probably used the argument that he didn’t want to take care of the young children while she was galavanting around. At this point, Stacey probably announced that she was going to live him anyway and perhaps even (according to one news report) that she expected him out of the house by the middle to the week. Those words sealed her fate literally at the hands of Peterson.

In the event chart, the Moon, Uranus, Jupiter/Pluto and Venus from a grand cross. Uranus is in tension aspect to Venus, the Moon in tension aspect to Jupiter/Pluto. Did Stacy have an awareness of how much danger was she in? Her Mars/Pluto (violence & death) combination in her own chart was sitting directly on the event chart’s sun. Her Venus was sitting on the Pluto of the Event chart. This was not the time for ultimatums.

The Arabic Part for Death in the event chart is at 19 degrees of Aquarius, exactly conjuct Neptune in Aquarius. The Arabic part for a head injury is at 26 degrees Leo, in tension aspect to the Part of Death. Stacy Peterson was rendered unconscious by two sharp blows to the head, one from the striking force of Peterson’s hand, and the second from her head striking a sharp object, perhaps a piece of furniture. Two, because the event chart has the moon in Gemini, in which things tend to happen to pairs. By 11:49 Stacy was dead.

The rest of the day had Drew spent in spinning his web of obfuscation and lies, dragging in the involvement of his step brother to help load a mysterious blue barrel into Drew’s SUV It is unclear when that barrel is loaded into the truck. But around 9:00 PM Peterson picks up his step-brother takes him to a diner and gives him Drew Peterson’s cell phone. Then Drew Peterson supposedly called his cell phone, repeatedly from another location, apparently trying to make it look Stacy was calling him, telling him that she was leaving him. Within an hour of the pick-up, Drew took his shaken step-brother home.

It is likely that Cassandra had caught Peterson on the cell phone while he was completing his mission to dispose of that Stacy’s remains.

Where should police look?

There is an experimental techique that is used by at least one astrologer for locating victims. In using this technique, we would take an event chart and lay it over a map of the area. the event chart pin points the eight house as the significator for the event which on the compass points south west. With Venus representing Stacy and Saturn representing the body, her body could be found no closer than 6 miles Southwest of her home. In a straight line from the Peterson’s house, this would indicate the area of Plainfield Lake. Since the police have looked some many other places without results, it may be worth a look.

Peterson Event and Natal chart mapped by astrology

Drew Peterson with unconfirmed birth time

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Crime, Punishment & Astrology: The Exoneration of Anna Goeldi

anna-goldiOn August 27, 2008 the Swiss government decided to exonerate Anna Goeldi of witchcraft. She was convicted and beheaded for the crime two hundred and twenty years ago.

Her story:

Anna Göldi (also Anna Göldin, ca. 1740–1782) is known as the “last witch” in Switzerland. She was executed for murder in June 1782 in Glarus.
A native of Sennwald, Anna Göldi arrived in Glarus in 1765. For seventeen years, she worked as a maidservant for Johann Jakob Tschudi, a physician. Tschudi reported her for having put needles in the bread and milk of one of his daughters, apparently through supernatural means. Göldi at first avoided arrest. The authorities of the Canton of Glarus advertised a reward for her capture in the Zürcher Zeitung on 9 February 1782. Göldi was arrested and under torture admitted to being in a pact with the Devil, which had appeared to her as a black dog. She withdrew her confession after the torture ended, but was sentenced on June 18, 1782 to execution by decapitation. The charges were officially of “poisoning” rather than withcraft, even though the law at the time did not impose the death penalty for non-lethal poisoning.[1]

During her trial, official allegations of witchcraft were avoided, and the court protocols were destroyed. The sentence does therefore not strictly qualify as that of a witch trial. Still, because of the apparent witchhunt that led to the sentence, the execution sparked outrage throughout Switzerland and the Holy Roman Empire.


Walter Hauser, a local journalist, does not believe Anna died because isolated Glarus remained mired in medieval superstition.Researching the original records of the case, he found something far more banal.”Jakob Tschudi had an affair with Anna Goeldi,” he explains.”When she was sacked, she threatened to reveal that. Adultery was a crime then. He stood to lose everything if he was found out.”
But at that time in Glarus, witchcraft was a crime.Mr Hauser calls Anna’s trial and execution “judicial murder”.

“Educated people here did not believe in witchcraft in 1782,” he insists.
“Anna Goeldi was a threat to powerful people. They wanted her out of the way, accusing her of being a witch. It was a legal way to kill her.”

Thanks to Swiss precision and record keeping we have the gory details of Anna’s multiple tortures and confessions in the hands of the Glarus authorities. We also have her birth date and birth place.

Anna has two planets, her Sun and her Mercury in sexually oriented Scorpio, and her Moon in the socially pleasing sign of Libra, conjunct her Venus, her planet of values. This is opposite her planet of authority, Saturn in the sign of Taurus. This combination produces a personality that against the true Scorpio type, wants to please authority figures, and with the Scorpio emphasis does so with sex. Her Mars is in the sign of unpredictable Aquarius in stress aspect to her planet of power and control, Pluto. She would tend to either be obsessed with a love relationship or be the object of that obsession. Uneducated and without financial resources, Anna may well have felt that the only way to control her poor circumstances was to give her employer what he wanted. Her progressed Mars, representing her sexual drive for the year she arrived in Glarus was in harmonious energetic connection (trine) her Sun, representing the men in her life, and in easy energetic connection (sextile) her planet of authority figures, Saturn. Her employer would desire her and pursue a relationship. With her birth chart Mars, in challenge aspect to her Saturn, this was a sexual relationship coerced by the abuse of authority over the employee.

But Scorpio’s are not to be scorned. When her lover of seventeen years decided to sack her and put her out of his home, she used the only weapon she had. Anyone who has ever been in a fight with a Scorpio knows the bone-headed do or die intensity with which Scorpio’s attack. Unfortunately for Anna, her well-to-do employer had all the cards and the local government in his pocket.

Sex may seem like a spell cast but some people, but what was evil was her employer’s treatment of her. And she paid the price with her life.

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The Astrology of the Murder of Two Oklahoma Girls

Taylor Placker, 13, and Skyla Whitaker, 11One year into the investigation of the murder of two Oklahoma teenagers, an Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation spokesperson, Jessica Brown, said “We are one good piece of information away from solving this case.” but “I don’t want folks to think we’ve got this solved.”

On June 8, 2008:

The slayings of two girls — ages 11 and 13 — who were shot along a rural back road . . . baffled investigators and struck fear into townspeople . . .

Taylor Dawn Paschal-Placker, 13, and Skyla Jade Whitaker, 11, were found shot to death in a ditch along a dirt road near Weleetka, less than a mile from Taylor’s home Sunday evening. They had gunshot wounds to the head and chest, according to the State Medical Examiner’s Office.

Authorities have determined that two guns were used in the shootings that have currently no suspects, persons of interest or apparent motive. The area where the bodies were found were near a road by an over pass, an area where locals regularly went to shoot off firearms.

Can astrology shed any light on this crime?

The grandfather and legal guardian of Taylor reports that the two girls left home around 5:00 p.m. and he found their bodies and make the 911 call atTime of 911 Call 5:40 p.m.. The area where Taylor and Skyla were found was about a 10 minute walk from Taylor’s house. Since the grandfather was unsure about the exact time the girls left the house, it is quite possible that they left a few minutes prior. Scorpio came onto the ascendant of the event chart at 4:43 p.m. . Between 4:43 to 5:40 p.m. the chart changes little. Scorpio is on the ascendant. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury sit in a tight stellium in the eighth house of death, with a challenge aspect from Uranus. Saturn, the Moon, the South Node of the Moon and Mars sit in the tenth house of public events and the Moon and Mars is opposite Neptune, the planet of confusion. Pluto, the planet of death and transformation make a trine to Saturn and the Moon and Jupiter is inconjunct the Sun and Venus in the eight house.

Scorpio’s traditional ruler (and its ruler in horary) is Mars, associated in horary with firearms. Mars is placed near the midheaven, in the house of public events in the sign of attention loving and attention getting Leo. This Mars makes a friendly energetic connection (sextile) the Sun, Venus, Mercury stellium in the eighth, which in turn makes a challenge aspect (square) to the planet of the unexpected Uranus.

It looks like what happened is this. The two girls (Venus in Gemini) met the two boys (Mercury in Gemini). Since the Venus is sextile the Mars, the girls took the opportunity to meet these boys, without telling the supervising adults the real reason for the walk. The boys were carrying guns, and displayed them, probably trying to impress them, but accidentally (Uranus square the stellium) one of the guns went off, hitting one girl and frightening the other. In the fear and confusion of the event, the boys overreacted, with both girls suffering death through multiple gun shots wounds.

This astrologer can only imagine that the Sun in Gemini, sitting next to Venus and Mercury represents the two law enforcement agencies involved, the Sheriffs Office and Oklahoma’s Bureau of Investigation, because it is too horrible to contemplate that two adult men were involved as well. In any event, the Sun inconjunct Jupiter (law and justice) portrays the difficulty in investigating these crimes. It is quite possible that law enforcement have already interviewed the boys involved, but discounted them as suspects.

This investigation will continue for some time, with no quick resolution. In early August (2008) Law Enforcement will turn their attention to these two boys, but it is unlikely that they will be able to make the case. The guns are hidden in the homes of the boys, possibly in their storm cellars. Without probable cause for search warrants it seems unlikely that law enforcement will be able to turn the course and make an arrest.

This is not a murder by stranger, dope heads or an unsavory element infiltrating rural life as several news articles suggest . If will be up to the people of Weleetka to police their own and come to a resolution of this achingly tragic situation.

Note: this story was first published in June 2008 on the now defunct 451 Press site, with the first paragraph added September 16, 2009. Nothing else has been changed from the original post.

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